Commander Decorators
This class decorator is pretty much what everything else in this package relies on existing. This is the decorator that sets up the sub commands for the application that are to be consumed.
Property | Type | Required | Description |
name | string | true | The name of the command. |
arguments | string | false | The arguments that the command takes in. For required arguments, wrap the argument in <> , for optional use [] . |
description | string | false | The description of what the command does. This will be printed on the --help usage. |
argsDescription | Record<string, string> | false | The description for each argument. It will be used on --help as well. |
options | CommandOptions | false | Extra options to pass to the commander instance. Check commander’s types for more information. |
subCommands | Type<CommandRunner> | false | Subcommands related to the parent command, e.g.:docker compose up and docker compose stop . |
aliases | Array<string> | false | Aliases for the SubCommand . You can pass this array to a Command but it will have no effect on the parsing of the command. |
Just like @Command()
except without the name
property, and can only be used
once per application.
Property | Type | Required | Description |
arguments | string | false | The arguments that the command takes in. For required arguments, wrap the argument in <> , for optional use [] . |
description | string | false | The description of what the command does. This will be printed on the --help usage. |
argsDescription | Record<string, string> | false | The description for each argument. It will be used on --help as well. |
options | CommandOptions | false | Extra options to pass to the commander instance. Check commander’s types for more information. |
subCommands | Type<CommandRunner> | false | Subcommands related to the parent command, e.g.:docker compose up and docker compose stop . |
aliases | Array<string> | false | Aliases for the SubCommand . You can pass this array to a Command but it will have no effect on the parsing of the command. |
This method decorator allows for users to pass in extra options for commands
defined with @Command()
. These options allow for the program to act in
slightly different, yet predictable ways.
Property | Type | Required | Description |
flags | string | true | The flags that should work for this option. Multiple flags can exist for a single option, so long as they are separated by a comma, space, or pipe character. Just like with arguments, <> for required, [] for optional. |
description | string | false | The description of the flags and option. Used with the --help output. |
defaultValue | string or boolean | false | The default value, if any, for the option. |
required | boolean | false | Make the option required like an argument and the command fail if the option is not provided. |
name | string | false | The name of the option for the CommandRunnerService (internal) to use when pairing against a @OptionChoicesFor() decorator. This has no effect on the help text rendered by commander. |
choices | Array<string> OR true | false | The choices for the option. If true , then the CommandRunnerService knows to go and find the @OptionChoicesFor() decorator that matches the name property. If an array, the options are used directly without searching to another method. |
This method decorator allows you to get chocies for an @Option()
in a dynamic
manner rather than hard coding them into the @Option()
decorator. The method
this decorator decorates should return a string array of options.
Property | Type | Requried | Description |
name | string | true | The name to match back to the @Option() decorator. This is how the two decorators are tied together. |
This method decorator allows you to add custom help text for your command in a specified position with respect to the original help text
Help(position: 'before' | 'beforeAll' | 'after' | 'afterAll'): MethodDecorator
An asynchronous command to allow for getting user input based on existing options from commander and the name of a question set.
ask<T>(name: string, options: Partial<T> | undefined): Promise<T>
// The following is just an alias for the above
prompt<T>(name: string, options: Partial<T> | undefined): Promise<T>
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
name | string | true | The name of the question set to ask for. This is defined in @QuestionSet() |
options | T or undefined | true | The pre-existing options that come from commander, or defined by the developer. The type here will determine the return type, unless undefined , then it is any unless passed in the generic. Values that are passed in will not be asked for again. |
Inquirer Decorators
This class decorator allows for the setup of a set of questions to ask.
Property | Type | Required | Description |
name | string | true | The name of the question set, to be later called by the InquirerService . |
This method decorator allows for creating questions to ask the user. For information on each specific kind of question, Inquirer’s docs should be consulted.
Property | Type | Required | Description |
type | "input" , "number" , "confirm" , "list" , "rawlist" , "expand" , "checkbox" , "password" , or "editor" | false | The kind of question for inquirer to ask. Each question has slightly different options, so pay attention to the type. Defaults to "input" . |
name | string | true | The name of the question’s input. This is used when being passed back from the InquirerService and can be used with the @*For() decorators described below. |
message | string | true* | The question to ask. |
default | string , number , boolean , array | false | The default value for the question’s input. |
choices | array | true | The choices to be defined for a list , rawlist , checkbox , and expand question. The array can be of strings, or numbers, or objects containing a name , value , and short property. |
validate | Function | false | A validation function that ensures the input is correct. On failed validation the question is re-asked. |
transform | Function | false | A transform method that takes the user’s input and transforms it before printing it back to the terminal. This does not have an impact on the incoming value itself. |
when | Function or boolean | false | A function or boolean to determine if a question should be asked or not. |
pageSize | number | false | The number of lines to render for list , rawlist , checkbox , and expand question. |
prefix | string | false | Changes the prefix message. |
suffix | string | false | Changes the suffix message. |
askAnswered | boolean | false | Force the prompt even if the question has been answered. Defaults to false . |
loop | boolean | false | Enable loop listing. Defaults to true . |
* The property itself is not required, but there must be a value for this,
whether through dynamic decorator or the @Question()
This method decorator allows a user to define a dynamic value for inquirer’s
option for the named question. The method this decorator decorates
takes in the user input and answer hashes and returns a boolean.
Property | Type | Required | Description |
name | string | true | The name of the question this decorator effects. |
This method decorator allows a user to define a dynamic value for inquirer’s
option for the named question. The method this decorator decorates
takes in the user input, answer hashes, and option flags and returns the input
after transformation. This transformation does not impact what is returned
by Inquirer, only what is shown back to the user.
Property | Type | Required | Description |
name | string | true | The name of the question this decorator effects. |
This method decorator allows a user to define a dynamic value for inquirer’s
option for the named question. The method this decorator decorates takes
in the answer hashes and returns a boolean for if the question should be shown
or not.
Property | Type | Required | Description |
name | string | true | The name of the question this decorator effects. |
This method decorator allows a user to define a dynamic value for inquirer’s
option for the named question. The method this decorator decorates
takes in the current set of answers and returns a string.
Property | Type | Required | Description |
name | string | true | The name of the question this decorator effects. |
This method decorator allows a user to define a dynamic value for inquirer’s
option for the named question. The method this decorator decorates
takes in the current answer hashes and returns an array of choices. These
choices can be an array of string
, number
, or objects containing a name
, and short
. The choices array can also contain a separator which can
be read about in Inquirer’s docs.
Property | Type | Required | Description |
name | string | true | The name of the question this decorator effects. |
This method decorator allows a user to define a dynamic value for inquirer’s
option for the named question. The method this decorator decorates
takes in the current hash of answers and returns a number
, string
, or
Property | Type | Required | Description |
name | string | true | The name of the question this decorator effects. |
A helper method to turn a string into a boolean based on true or false values.
Property | Type | Required | Description |
val | string | true | The string value to be turned into a boolean |
A Simple wrapper around Number.parseInt()
Property | Type | Required | Description |
val | string | true | The string value to be turned into an integer |
radix | number | false | The radix to use for praseInt. Defaults to 10 |
A simple wrapper around Number.parseFloat()
Property | Type | Required | Description |
val | string | true | The string value to be turned into a float |
A static method that kicks off the command and manages the Nest application lifecycle.
CommandFactory.run(rootModule: Type<any> | DynamicModule, optionsOrLogger?: CommandFactoryRunOptions | NestLogger): Promise<void>
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
rootModule | Type<any> or DynamicModule | true | The module, or module metadata, required to run the command. This is the same module metadata passed to NestFactory.create . |
optionsOrLogger | CommandFactoryRunOptions or NestLogger | false | Options or a Nest logger instance for the CommandFactory to pass on to NestLogger . See below for more information. |
The same static method as above, but without handling the closing of the Nest application when the command finishes. This is to allow the setup of things like file watchers or pollers.
Options that can be passed to the run
or runWithoutClosing
method to modify
the behavior.
Property | Type | Required | Description |
logger | NestLogger | false | A logger instance to use with the CommandFactory. Defaults to false to turn off the initialization logs. |
errorHandler | Function | false | A custom error handler that takes in an Error and returns void synchronously. |
usePlugins | boolean | false | The choice of if the built CLI should look for a config file and plugins or not. |
cliName | string | false | The name of the CLI and the prefix for the config file to be looked for. Defaults to "nest-commander" . |
enablePositionalOptions | boolean | false | Make commander view <comamnd> -p <sub-command> and <command <sub-command> -p as two different commands. Commander’s reference |
serviceErrorHandler | Function | false | A custom error handler that takes in an Error and return void . This is to handle errors at the Nest service level rather than the command level like errorHandler |
version | string | false | The global version of the CLI. If this option is set, the -V or —version option will be enabled. |
The CommandRunner
is abstract class to define your command. You define the
command in the class inherits it.
A static method that returns a list of the root command class, which calls this
api, and all sub command classes set via the metadata of the @Command()
decorators in the scope of module tree that the root command
class traverses.
providers: [...RunCommand.registerWithSubCommands()]
export class AppModule {}
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
meta | string | false | @Command or @SubCommand decorator identifier is explicitly specified for extracting metadata,It is used internal this library and you shouldn’t need to specify it normally. |
A wrapper decorator for Nest’s @Module()
that exposes a way to set a request
object mock for the REQUEST
injection token.
providers: [SomeCommand],
requestObject: { headers: { Authorization: 'Bearer token' } }
export class SomeCommandModule {}
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
imports | Array | false | Imports for the current module. This is Nest’s standard property |
controllers | Type | false | Controllers for the module |
providers | Provider[] | false | Providers for the module. This includes commands |
exports | Array | false | Values the module exports |
requestObject | Object | false | The mock request object that should be used in place of REQUEST |
Similar to @nestjs/testing
’s createTestingModule
, this static method sets up
a TestingModuleBuilder
that can be used with Nest’s overrideProvider
methods for creating a TestingModule
CommandFactory.createTestingCommand(moduleMetadata: CommandModuleMetadata): TestingModuleBuilder
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
moduleMetadata | CommandModuleMetadata | true | Nest’s module metadata which requires imports to be populated. This will get passed down to createTestingModule to create the proper testing metadata. |
Similar to CommandFactory.run
but to be used within a test instance.
CommandTestFactory.run(app: TestingModule, args?: string[]): Promise<void>
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
app | TestingModule | true | The testing application that is to be used for the CommandFactory . This should be set up in your beforeAll() or right before calling the run method. |
args | Array<string> | false | The name of the command to run, if not the default, and the options that would normally be passed, each as a separate array entry. |
A command to mock the gathering of information from a user, to help with automated testing.
CommandFactory.setAnswers(value: any | any[]): void
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
value | Array<any> or any | true | The answers that are to be returned from the user’s input gathers in InquirerService#ask . These should be the post-parsed values. |
A method to sub back in the regular Inquirer
instance instead of the mock used
for testing. If this is used, the setAnswers
will have no effect, and stdin
data must be passed manually
CommandFactory.useDefaultInquirer(): typeof CommandTestFactory