
As of version 2.3.0, you can build your CLI with the ability to read for extra plugins that are developed by other people. By using the usePlugins option with the CommandFactory, you’ll be setting up you shiny new CLI to expect to find a config file with a plugins property that is an array of strings, either as the locations of packages in a local environment, or npm package names.

The Config File

The config file, by default, can be one of the following:

  • .nest-commanderrc
  • .nest-commanderrc.json
  • .nest-commanderrc.yaml
  • .nest-commanderrc.yml
  • nest-commander.json
  • nest-commander.yaml
  • nest-commander.yml

If you’d like to use a name other than nest-commander, you can pass the cliName option to the CommandFactory as well.

Now the config file should be incredibly simple, just a JSON object with a plugins property that is an array of strings, e.g.

  "plugins": ["nest-commander-plugin", "./my/local/plugin"]

The Plugins

Each plugin registered needs to have a default export that is a Nest module that adds the new command as a provider.

@Command({ name: 'plugin' })
export class PluginCommand extends CommandRunner {
  async run() {
    console.log('From the plugin!');
  providers: [PluginCommand]
export class PluginModule {}
import { PluginModule } from './plugin.module';
export default PluginModule;

If the command you’ve built uses usePlugins: true and a config file is not found, commander will still be allowed to try and execute the command given. If an error ends up being thrown, such as a command not found error, then the user of the CLI will get a warning about a possible config file missing, along with commander’s standard help message.