
So for now, we’ve got a CLI with all the needed tools. The problem is - the end user does not know what commands are available. We can fix that with the CompletionFactory! This service has the ability to generate a completion script for the end user to use, both for ZSH & Bash and Fig! The completion will be generated dynamically based on the commands and options available.

Setup Your Completion Using The CompletionFactory

Your main.ts file:

import { CommandFactory, CompletionFactory } from 'nest-commander';
import { AppModule } from './app.module';

(async () => {
  const cliCommand = 'YOUR-CLI-COMMAND';
  const cliExecutable = 'YOUR-CLI-EXECUTABLE-PATH';

  const app = await CommandFactory.createWithoutRunning(AppModule, {
    completion: {
      cmd: cliCommand,
      fig: true,
      nativeShell: {
        executablePath: cliExecutable

  // Could be done also by using the `registerCompletionCommand` method under `CompletionFactory`

  CompletionFactory.registerCompletionCommand(app, {
    cmd: cliCommand,
    fig: true,
    nativeShell: {
      executablePath: cliExecutable

  await CommandFactory.runApplication(app);

Generate Completion Script - ZSH & Bash

Now, you can dynamically generate a completion script for your CLI by running the following command:

my-cli completion-script

Although, there is no need for that. The best convention will be to load this script on shell startup:

To load the completion script on shell startup, you can use this command to update your .bashrc or .zshrc file:

echo "source <(my-cli completion-script)" >> ~/.bashrc


echo "source <(my-cli completion-script)" >> ~/.zshrc

In case zsh does not load the completion script, you can add the following commands to your config file in order to enable completion:

autoload -Uz compinit

Fig Completion integration

After setting up your CompletionFactory, you can generate a completion file for Fig, and deploy it later. To do so, run the following command:

Creates a .fig directory over your working directory

npx @withfig/autocomplete-tools init
npm --prefix ./.fig/autocomplete run create-spec <CLI_NAME>

Generate a completion file

my-cli generate-fig-spec > ./.fig/autocomplete/src/<CLI_NAME>.ts

If created by running the CLI via an NPM script, check the output file and make sure no execution logs exist.

Build the completion file

npm --prefix ./.fig/autocomplete run build

In order to test it, you need to have the executable CLI file related to the completion file you just created, in that way:

├── .fig
│   └── autocomplete
│       ├── build
│       │   └── <CLI_NAME>.js
│       └── src
│           └── <CLI_NAME>.ts
└── <CLI_EXECUTABLE> - same name as <CLI_NAME>

Then, Fig will be available over your CLI by running:


To publish your completion file, execute the following:

npm --prefix ./.fig/autocomplete run publish-spec

Now, you’ll have Fig completion over your CLI globally! (can be accessed only by you - unless you publish it to Fig’s community).

You can also generate this completion file as a part of your build process, and publish it along with your CLI, so your users will have it by default.

Read more about Fig completion:

Private Autocomplete

Autocomplete For Internal Tools

Create Your CLI Spec & Upload Your CLI To Fig’s Community


By using the CompletionFactory, your CLI might create 3 new commands:

  • completion-script - Generates the completion script (ZSH & Bash)
  • completion - Used by the shell to get the completion, triggered by tab (ZSH & Bash)
  • generate-fig-spec - Generates a completion file (Fig)

Please note that these commands do not exist in your CLI, and are only used by the CompletionFactory.

Supported Shells

  • Bash
  • ZSH